TransPeshawar Functions

  1. To carry out the project implementation, management and maintenance of urban rapid transit projects in Peshawar, assigned by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Urban Mobility Authority (“KPUMA”) for the benefits of public at large, organize training programs for selected bus operators and bus drivers.
  2. To undertake the activities during the implementation, construction, operation, maintenance and management of urban rapid transit project and related services assigned to the Company in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by KPUMA for benefits of general public.
  3. To provide advice and consultancy in relation to the business of the Company and carry out other contractual obligations in relation to all the activities of the Company, to employ and remunerate staff and to provide such benefits on retirement or on death in service and to provide for their training.
  4. To engage the contractors and entities inter alia for the purpose of detailed design, construction, public transport operations, fare collection and payment of contracts, depot management, system infrastructure maintenance and cleaning, customer service contractors and other services as may be required from time to time to meet the conditions of an assigned project.
  5. To enter into contracts for outsourcing, collaboration, technical know-how or otherwise with any person, firm, company, government or corporate body, for the purposes of the Company, to obtain by grant, license or on other terms technical information, know-how and expertise.
  6. To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire and hold for any estate or interest any lands, buildings, easements, rights, privileges, concessions, patents, patent rights, licenses, secret possessions, and any real or persona property of any kind necessary or convenient for the purposes of or in connection with the Company’s business or any branch or department thereof and to erect, construct, lay down, enlarge, alter and maintain any roads, railways, tramways, sidings, bridges, reservoirs, shops, stores, buildings, works, plant and machinery necessary or convenient for the Company’s businesses, and to contribute to or subsidize the erection, construction, and maintenance of any of the above.

To enter into any arrangements with the Government or authorities, supreme, municipal, local or else, that may seem conducive to the Company’s objects or any of them, and to obtain from any such government or authority, any rights, privileges, and concessions which the Company may think it desirable to obtain, and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such arrangements, rights, privileges, and concessions and to invest and deal with the money  of the company not immediately required for the purposes of its business in or upon such investments or securities and in any such manner as may from time to time be determined.